1° level certificate - Papn1
Minimum Age: 14 years old
Minimum requirements: basic swimming skills
Minimum hours of Theory: 8
Minimum hours of swimming pool: 6
Minimum hours of open water dive: 6 (12 effective hours of training)
Acquired skills:
Freediving in pair, up to 10 meters
Dynamic fins freediving: 25 metri
Health certificate: Non-competitive athletic health certificate
Have a look at the detailed content of the FIPSAS courses
2° level certificate - Papn2
Minimum age: 16 years old
Minimum requirements: 1°level certificate (or equivalent)
Minimum hours of Theory: 10
Minimum hours of swimming pool: 14
Minimum open water dives: 8 (16 effective hours of training)
Acquired skills:
Freediving skills in pair, up to 20 metri
Performances in freediving dynamic fins: 50 metri
Health certificate: Competitive athletic health certificate
3° level certificate - Papn3
Minimum age: 18 years old
Minimum requirements: Freediving 2°level certificate (or equivalent)
Minimum hours of Theory: 14
Minimum hours of swimming pool: 18
Minimum hours open water: 8 (16 effective hours of trainning)
Acquired skills:
Freediving in pair, up to 30 meters depth
Performances in freediving dynamic fins: 75 meters depth
ability to be a coach assitent
Health certificate: Competitive athletic health certificate
Marine biology 1° level (PBio1)
Marine biology 2° level (PBio2)
Underwater Photography (PFs)
Underwater Video (PVs)
©2022 Circolo Sommozzatori Trieste ASD - C.F.90027850321 - Via P. Mascagni 1/3 - 34138 Trieste - tel 040826576 -